Code Jam Cookie Clicker Alpha

This is a solution to the Code Jam 2014 Qualification Round problem B, Cookie Clicker Alpha. (Problem Description Link) Python __author__ = 'Coddicted' def read_case(inf): return inf.readline().split(' ') def write_case(f, i, res): f.write('Case #%d: '%i) f.write('%.7f'%res) f.write('\n') def main(): with open('data_files/', 'r') as inf, open('data_files/B-large-practice.out', 'w') as of: t = int(inf.readline()) case_cnt = 1 while ...

Code Jam Magic Trick

Code Jam Magic Trick
This is the solution to Code Jam 2014 qualification round problem A. Magic Trick. (Problem Link) Python __author__ = 'Coddicted' def read_row(inf):     return inf.readline().strip().split(' ') def main():     with open('data_files/A−small−', 'r') as inf, open('data_files/A−small−practice.out', 'w') as of:         t = int(inf.readline())         case_cnt = 1         while case_cnt <= t:             row = int(inf.readline())             i = 1             row1 = []             while i <= 4:                 if i == row:                     row1 = read_row(inf)                 else:                     inf.readline()                 i += 1             row = int(inf.readline())             row2 = []             i = 1             while i <= 4:                 if i == row:                     row2 = read_row(inf)                 else:                     inf.readline()                 i += 1             row1 = [int(item) for item in row1]             row2 = [int(item) for item in row2]             comm = [item for item in row1 if item in row2]             if len(comm) == 1:                 of.write('Case #' + str(case_cnt) + ': ' + str(comm[0]) + '\n')                 print 'Case #' + str(case_cnt) + ': ' + str(comm[0])             elif len(comm) > 1:                 of.write('Case #' + str(case_cnt) + ': ' + 'Bad magician!' + '\n')                 print 'Case #' + str(case_cnt) + ': ' + 'Bad magician!'             else:                 of.write('Case #' + str(case_cnt) + ': ' + 'Volunteer cheated!' + '\n')                 print 'Case #' + str(case_cnt) + ': ' + 'Volunteer cheated!' ...